The Minnesota Department of Human Rights announced Thursday that it had reached a settlement with Fairview Health Services over its denial of an American Sign Language interpreter for a deaf man whose infant daughter underwent a battery of tests at a Hibbing hospital.
Shortly after the birth of their daughter, Julie and Matthew Svatos learned that she had some medical complications and would need a battery of tests, including one that involved radiation exposure. But Matthew, who is deaf, could not participate in discussions with the pediatrician at Range Regional Medical Center despite pleas to provide an American Sign Language interpreter, as required by both Fairview policy and state and federal law.
The state had sued Fairview in federal court after the Svatoses brought a complaint about their treatment. Under the settlement, Fairview will improve training for all hospital staff, clarify policies and report to the state for three years with detail about ASL services provided, including information about problems. There also was a confidential monetary payment.
Minnesota Commissioner of Human Rights Kevin Lindsey said staff training issues were a factor in the Svatos case.
"Unfortunately there wasn't adequate training," Lindsey said. "They will have to provide information to the department to make sure that these things are implemented."
Following the birth of Stella Svatos, the pediatrician wanted to discuss her condition with both parents and obtain consent for conducting the test. But instead of providing an interpreter for Matthew — or even an off-site interpreter who could translate over a video connection — hospital staff asked Julie to interpret for her husband, even though Fairview policy states that family members should not be used as interpreters.
"They just ignored me. I was completely in the dark," said Matthew. "I was astonished that they would not provide an interpreter when we were receiving medical information."
The incident was one of many interpretation failures that the family experienced at the hospital, which initially refused to provide any ASL interpretation to Matthew because he was not the patient, even though Fairview's policy and state and federal law require that deaf family members are entitled to interpretation services.