Maynard Johnson never shied from hard work. He just wanted to do it in business rather than on a farm.
That's why, when he came across a large swath of undeveloped land in what then was the village of Lakeville in 1966, he envisioned industrial buildings, jobs and a mile-long airstrip there instead of livestock and crops.
The result of that vision, which Johnson pursued with fellow executives of the former Bloomington-based Hitchcock Industries, was Airlake Industrial Park. Decades later, the park, home to as many as 200 companies and an estimated 4,500 employees, continues to serve as an engine of economic growth in the south metro.
The 1,500-acre park, one of the state's largest contiguous industrial parks, has attracted companies ranging from start-ups to large corporations and has driven commercial and residential development in what now is a city with nearly 60,000 people.
"It makes me feel good," Johnson, 93, said. "You could see opportunities happening there, right in front of my eyes, that I had never seen before. It's good to share that — but it's good to make money, too."
The birth of Airlake Industrial Park, Johnson's love of business dealings, and his willingness to help others build companies or careers are central subjects of "Maynard's Memories," a new book written by Johnson's grandson, Twin Cities public relations veteran Brant Skogrand.
Skogrand began taping conversations with Johnson after his 92nd birthday, "to learn more about who he was besides just my grandpa."
"I knew that in some respects he was a big deal with Lakeville, Hitchcock Industries and Airlake Industrial Park," Skogrand said. "But once I dug in and started to talk to him in more detail about it and his associates at the time, I realized what an impact he's had, particularly on Lakeville. Maybe it's that Norwegian heritage, but in some respects he's humble about his accomplishments."