Flip Saunders would be surprised, or not surprised, if the Cavs trade the No. 1 pick

July 16, 2014 at 4:14PM
(The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Wolves President and head coach Flip Saunders met with the media Tuesday morning to give us a pre-draft update on the team's plans. Most of this was a re-hash of things he has already said, and questions he is certainly getting tired of answering about Kevin Love and the rest of the roster.

So instead of give you everything he said — beat writer Jerry Zgoda is presumably handling that quite capably — we decided to have some fun with poor Flip and his answer to a question of whether he though the Cavaliers might trade the No. 1 overall pick. Here was the response:

"Nothing would surprise me. … They've done a lot of things out of the box, and how they feel, so it wouldn't surprise me. It wouldn't surprise me, but I'll still be surprised if they do."

We kind of understand what he's trying to say, but just to recap: It wouldn't be surprising to Saunders if the Cavaliers trade the pick, but it also would be surprising.

As a politician, Saunders would need to work on his … um … flip-flopping.

Thursday's draft really can't come soon enough.

about the writer

Michael Rand

Columnist / Reporter

Michael Rand is the Star Tribune's Digital Sports Senior Writer and host/creator of the Daily Delivery podcast. In 25 years covering Minnesota sports at the Star Tribune, he has seen just about everything (except, of course, a Vikings Super Bowl).

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