WASHINGTON – The nation's food and farm industries are mounting a furious, last-ditch push against mandatory labeling of foods made with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, with dozens of Minnesota businesses backing the effort as part of a national coalition.
With Vermont set to become the first state in the country to force GMO labels on foods on July 1, opponents of on-package labeling are running out of time.
"A national solution is needed to prevent a patchwork of 50 different state laws," Golden Valley-based General Mills said in a statement. "If Congress doesn't step in now, that's exactly where we're headed, and that doesn't serve anyone well."
Supporters of labeling laws say consumers have a right to know what's in the food they eat. But food and farm interests counter that labels cast a stigma on genetically engineered foods that have not been proven to be less healthy than organic alternatives.
A publicity blitz against labeling includes a six-figure campaign that is running ads in prime time on network and cable TV in and around the nation's capital.
The Coalition for Safe Affordable Food, funder of the ad campaign, is "working urgently with Congress to pass a national uniform labeling standard and stand up against on-package labeling of GMOs," said spokeswoman Claire Parker.
Food coalition members include Moorhead-based American Crystal Sugar, the Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative and a long list of Minnesota and national trade groups representing the state's massive dairy, corn, egg and turkey growing interests, as well as food giants like General Mills, Land O'Lakes and Hormel.
The food and farm interests do not just want Congress to pass uniform labeling legislation that supplants all state laws with a national standard. It wants that national standard to virtually eliminate mandatory on-package GMO labels like those Vermont would require.