The tough times that face America's malls are starkly apparent around the Twin Cities metro area.
On a recent visit to Burnsville Center, at least 18 store fronts were empty. At Southdale, walls on the third floor are painted black to disguise the lack of tenants. Even the Mall of America is turning to smaller, local retailers to fill space that national chains once would have coveted.
The shopping mall, a concept that Southdale pioneered six decades ago, faces an existential crisis as consumers grow increasingly accustomed to buying online and as young people, once the lifeblood of malls, socialize on Snapchat and Instagram.
The ratings firm Moody's says there are more distressed retailers this year — 22 — than at the height of the Great Recession. Those that are struggling are drowning in high levels of debt while also playing catch up in e-commerce, said Charlie O'Shea, a senior Moody's analyst.
"There's only so many holes in the dike you can plug," he said. "And, oh, by the way, Amazon and Walmart and Target and all of the heavyweights are trying to also take market share. So you find yourself under siege."
The retail carnage has been vast. Thousands of stores from Sears and J.C. Penney to Payless ShoeSource and Wet Seal have closed nationwide. More than a dozen retailers have filed for bankruptcy, the latest the upscale jeans retailer True Religion.
The massive disruption has happened so fast that malls are taping over the names of shuttered stores on their directories and putting up ads to fill suddenly empty storefronts. Managers are scrambling to find temporary fixes such as local mom-and-pop brands as they figure out what their next chapter will be in the age of Amazon.
Many believe that the eventual solution will be to dramatically change the character of mall properties. Instead of stores, many mall owners are already embracing new sorts of tenants such as a fitness center that is in the works at Southdale.