Social workers begged Stacy Mooney to stay a foster parent. Since 2009, Mooney has taken newborns into her rural Anoka County home, soothing them at all hours of the night as they screamed from withdrawal from their birth mothers' drug addictions.
Mooney loved the job and even adopted one of the children, but this year she opted not to fill out her foster home renewal application.
"I was paying close to $400 a month out of pocket," she said. "I just couldn't afford it."
A dramatic increase in the number of children placed in foster care since 2014 means that Minnesota needs foster homes more than ever. While the number of foster-care providers has gone up by 10 percent since 2011 to 3,811, it has not kept pace with the increase of children going into foster care.
Many foster parents like Mooney say the state's reduction in payments means they're breaking even or losing money, as they care for kids whose behaviors they believe are more challenging than they were five or 10 years ago.
The increase in foster care placements comes after sweeping reforms passed by the Legislature in 2015 following tragic failures in child protection. The number of abuse cases accepted by Minnesota's child protection agencies has jumped 50 percent in the past two years.
That has more than doubled the number of cases investigated, where a child is more likely to need foster care placement as protection from abusive parents, according to the Department of Human Services. It's the largest increase since the agency began tracking the data in 2000.
"There are not enough homes," said Jim Koppel, the DHS assistant commissioner for Children and Family Services. "We know that children's needs are not going to be met by the number of providers."