Foxx stayed dry at MOA

July 25, 2009 at 10:58PM

Word has it Jamie Foxx had a SHIRLEY TEMPLE instead of any a-a-a-a-a-alcohol Wednesday at Twin City Grill.

The comedian and Oscar-winning actor was at the Mall of America the day before his poorly attended Target Center show Thursday night to support his chart topper "Blame It." It's the danceable, heavily synthesized groove with the repugnant story line involving getting a girl in the sack and then providing her the excuse to "Blame it on the goose, gotcha feelin' loose/ Blame it on 'tron, catch me in a zone/ Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol..."

According to a Twin City Grill staffer, the Foxx party was put in a corner so he wasn't visible for the two hours he was there. (Although the crowd estimates from the concert and a review from FM107's Sheletta, "Horrible," would suggest Foxx doesn't need much shielding from attention.)

The Foxx party fluctuated between five and 15. "He had our wasabi-encrusted tilapia," said my insider. "He loved it." Did Foxx have that slammin' banana cream pie, which I love despite not liking cream or crust with my bananas? "No, I don't believe he had dessert. He was full. He was being good."

As for the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol? "He did not. No, he drank a Shirley Temple," said my source.

Another source told me Foxx's roll through the MOA was hardly inconspicuous between the dark glasses and the MOA security detail.

Foxx hit the rides in the Nickelodeon Universe, and his entourage also swooped into a T-shirt-making venue where a good chunk of time was spent making a phone call to a corporate office.

Word is that Foxx wanted to print something on a T that was a reworking of a certain copyrighted phrase.

MJ was after Prince Claire Hoffman told CNN on Thursday that her "The Last Days of Michael Jackson" cover story for Rolling Stone may include a tidbit about Prince.

Hoffman said Jackson was jacked to do those 50 concerts in the UK because he had a rivalry with Symbolina. He wanted to outdo Prince and his 2008 "21 Nights" concert event. I'm guessing this Hoffman is the same Claire who wrote the controversial New Yorker magazine piece about Prince, which included more than a hint of homophobia on his part. (Some believe it comes from his latest found faith as a Jehovah's Witness.)

Don't know what Jackson's connection to Jehovah's Witnesses was at the time of his death, but it's interesting that both he and Prince gravitated to this religion at points in their lives.

Rusty's dusting off Rusty Gatenby's a coy boy -- not to be confused with a boy toy, just yet: "Oh, I thought you wanted details on Channel 45. You know, we're doing a new morning show, 7 to 9 a.m. weekdays."

No, I called about this gossip that Gatenby's getting a divorce from his second wife, the architect. "Owwww," said Gatenby, who is one of Hubbard Broadcasting's most recognizable talents, not from being on its Channel 45 but from years of work on the flagship property KSTP-TV. Gatenby has eased the pain by rediscovering dating, but he didn't want to talk about the divorce. He claims that it's not a well-known fact, although "the kids do know, my co-workers know, my friends and family obviously know."

Months ago readers thought they spotted Gatenby's ring finger looking naked. "Really?" he said last week. When I tuned in, I saw a ring. Then I heard Gatenby had been seen on what looked like dates. Recently he was seen at Cirque du Soleil with a state trooper who was very much out of uniform. "Well, I've gone on dates with a state trooper," but in accordance with "Divorcing Parents 101," he assured me he's not screwing up his children by introducing them to sundry dates. "My kids have not met any date that I've gone on, including the state trooper gal," he said. "After the picture was taken at Cirque du Soleil, I went, 'OK, I know I get pictures taken with a lot of people, but that probably wasn't a bright idea.'"

Ah, the photographic proof. "I thought this one might get sniffed out. [My life] was really terrible a year ago, but occasionally I get out to go see Cirque du Soleil," said Gatenby.

He sometimes gets entertainment assignments, so it has been recommended that he not follow the lead of certain Hollywood types who've made matrimony an avocation. "I certainly don't want to," Gatenby said, laughing.

I'd also suggest that he not follow the example set by KSTP-TV Meteorologist for Life Dave Dahl, who's on his third wife, if I'm counting correctly.

C.J. is at 612.332.TIPS or E-mailers, please state a subject -- "Hello" doesn't count. Attachments are not opened, so don't even try. More of her attitude can be seen on Fox 9 Thursday mornings.

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