WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Al Franken will not back a Minnesota Supreme Court justice who is President Donald Trump's pick for a federal judgeship.
Franken, D-Minn., announced Tuesday that he will oppose the nomination of Justice David Stras to the Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, saying he finds Stras too conservative for an already conservative bench. By Senate tradition, Franken's opposition effectively derails the nomination of Stras.
"The president should be seeking out judges who bridge the issues that divide us," Franken said in a statement Tuesday. "I fear that Justice Stras's views and philosophy would lead him to reinforce those divisions and steer the already conservative Eighth Circuit even further to the right."
Stras, who once clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is well regarded by colleagues from both sides of the aisle, who have called him a fair-minded scholar and consensus builder. A White House spokesperson told the Star Tribune the Senate Judiciary Committee should hold hearings on Stras with or without support from Minnesota's senators.
"Senator Franken's opposition to Justice Stras is partisan, obstructionist politics at its worst," the spokesperson said on background, after reeling off a long list of the justice's professional and personal merits. "David Stras is as qualified it gets. He deserves a chance to have a hearing so the American people can see that for themselves."
Senate protocol dictates that both home-state senators must sign off on judicial nominees from their state — a process known as "blue slipping." When presidents and senators are from opposing parties, the wait for a blue slip can stretch for months or years, as a number of Obama-era judicial nominees discovered.
Stras declined to comment through a spokesman.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, also a Democrat and like Franken a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said she thought Stras deserved a hearing.