Walter Palmer, the Eden Prairie dentist who found himself at the center of a global firestorm in July after the killing of a beloved lion in Zimbabwe, broke his silence Sunday about Cecil the lion and the ensuing controversy in an interview with the Star Tribune and the Associated Press. Read the full transcript of the conversation below.
Participants: Walter Palmer; Paul Walsh, Star Tribune; Brian Bakst, the Associated Press; and Joe Friedberg, an attorney who is consulting with Palmer on a pro bono basis.
Paul Walsh: What has life been like for you in the six weeks now, I guess, since the London Telegraph broke that story and how do things look for you professionally going forward?
Walter Palmer: Well, I've been out of the public eye and I've been seeing family and friends. I believe that there were some safety issues early on for my daughter and my wife. Paul, that's really two questions. ...
Palmer: ... my professional life.
Walsh: Yes.
Palmer: I have a lot of staff members at River Bluff Dental. I'm a little heartbroken at the disruption in their lives. And I'm a health professional. I need to get back to treating my patients. My staff and my patients support me and they want me back. That's why I'm back. I'll be coming back this week.