General Mills has made its largest contribution to help save pollinators, announcing a $2 million commitment that will add more than 100,000 acres of bee and butterfly habitat on or near existing crop lands.
The five-year agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Xerces Society, the world's oldest and largest pollinator conservation group, will focus its efforts in Minnesota, North Dakota, California, Nebraska, Iowa and Maine. The USDA and Xerces will match this donation with another $2 million toward the project.
Gaining support from large corporations is a key step, conservationists say, in reversing the decline of pollinators that are needed to reproduce food crops and plants.
The investment will support six new field biologists in these regions who will work with General Mills' suppliers to implement a pollinator habitat plan. With private landowners managing more than 70 percent of all land on the United States mainland, the USDA and nonprofit organizations must rely on corporate and other private partners if they are to stop the decline of pollinators, said Jason Weller, conservation service chief of the federal department.
"Partnerships are vital. If we really want to conserve wildlife and help the environment, we have to work with private landowners," said Scott Black, executive director of the Xerces Society.
Over the past several years, Black said, U.S. beekeepers have lost between 35 and 40 percent of their hives. A recent United Nations report found that 40 percent of the world's invertebrate pollinators are facing extinction. While bees and butterflies are the most common, birds, moths, beetles and bats also are pollinators, according to the USDA.
Both the World Wildlife Fund, or WWF, and the Xerces Society say pollinators help produce one-third of all human food.
For General Mills, there are two obvious benefits to this effort: long-term protection of its food supply through the work done by pollinators and brand loyalty from its environmentally concerned consumers.