A German journalist who trekked to Fergus Falls, Minn., to profile a rural Midwest community after President Donald Trump's inauguration wrote that he was greeted at the city limits by a sign that read: "Mexicans Keep Out."
Problem is, the sign reporter Claas Relotius described in his March 2017 article in Der Spiegel, a German language news magazine, never existed. Some of the quotes in the story were made up, too, as were some of the anecdotes — from a brewery hosting a Super Bowl viewing party (the brewery was closed that day) to the city administrator hosting a "Game of Thrones" quiz night (the city leader said he doesn't even own a TV).
On Wednesday, Der Spiegel disclosed that Relotius, an award-winning reporter, confessed to fabricating at least 14 articles out of the nearly 60 he wrote since 2011, including the descriptive article about Fergus Falls.
The revelation came as no surprise to some of the Minnesotans quoted in the article.
"There's so little in the story that's factual," said City Administrator Andrew Bremseth, who was featured extensively in the article and said he contacted Relotius about inaccuracies after the story was published but didn't get a response. "There were people he totally created."
Four days after Trump's inauguration, Relotius traveled to Fergus Falls, a city of 13,000 residents in Otter Tail County, and spent three weeks there, hoping to interview voters in one of the rural Minnesota counties Trump won. Der Spiegel said it sent Relotius to write an article to give readers better insight into Americans.
"He was just looking for a classic American town," said Michele Anderson, who's lived in Fergus Falls for seven years and is the rural program director for Springboard for the Arts.
But, the news magazine said, Relotius couldn't find any substance to back up his story, and instead of killing the idea or finding a new angle, he led the article with the image of an anti-Mexican sign, a sign that "was only in the imagination of the author," Der Spiegel wrote, according to Google Translate. "Relotius gives the inhabitants of Fergus Falls false biographies that fit him as if he were a puppeteer."