Mavis Otuteye was found in a drainage ditch, just half a mile from the Canadian border that she apparently had traveled so far to cross.
She had been missing for nearly a week, and the night before she was found dead the temperature wasn't far above freezing.
Authorities suspect that the woman from Ghana had traveled from Delaware to northwestern Minnesota in the hope of crossing to Canada and reuniting with her daughter there.
Otuteye, 57, was found Friday near the town of Noyes by local and U.S. Border Patrol investigators, according to the Kittson County Sheriff's Office. It's believed she died of exposure.
A day earlier, someone called the Sheriff's Office and reported that Otuteye had been missing since May 22. Chief Deputy Sheriff Matt Vig said he believes Otuteye was trying to walk across the border to meet her daughter.
"I think temperatures were in the 40s that night," Vig said in a television interview with WDAZ in Grand Forks, N.D. "Just tough weather for her to make that journey."
Vig suspects the ditch "played a role [in her death]. It's hard to say exactly what happened. We'll find out more in the final autopsy report."
He did not disclose the location in Canada of the woman's daughter. The town across the border, Emerson, has roughly 650 inhabitants. Fewer than 50 call Noyes home.