It's the latest twist on the world's oldest book: Bible apps, with names such as PocketSword and Our Daily Bread, are exploding in popularity, injecting a new digital dimension to church life, classrooms and private prayer.
More than 40 percent of Christians surveyed last year by California-based Barna Group reported downloading the apps. The most popular, YouVersion, reports a whopping 271 million global downloads this month, up from 10 million when launched in 2010.
No one is predicting the demise of the Good Book. But the Greatest Story Ever Told is increasingly being spiced up with photos, video, 3-D graphics, maps and social media shares.
"They are simple, straightforward, and provide whatever version of the Bible you want, whenever you want it," said the Rev. John Sommerville, of City Church in Minneapolis.
There are about 1,500 versions of the Bible in more than 1,000 languages, from Arapaho to Korean and Zaiwa. The apps, say their supporters, are doing for the Bible today what the printing press did for it in the 16th century — making it available to more people than ever.
"The Bible is one of the most sought-after content in the world," said David Kinnaman, president of Barna Group, a Christian polling firm. "I think it's exciting to see the proliferation of Bible resources in the digital age."
Calling Jesus
Whitney Suhadolnik, 21, belongs to the key demographic targeted by app-makers. Young adult Christians have the lowest level of Bible readership, with about one in four checking out the Scriptures on a weekly basis, Barna surveys show.
The Bethel University junior has two apps on her smartphone, Our Daily Bread and BibleGateway. She swipes them open for personal inspiration, Bible studies at church and classroom discussions in her Introduction to the Bible course at Bethel.