A wheel clack-clack-clacks and the numbers blur. More slowly now — clack, clack, clack — the numbers separate so you can find yours and follow it. Almost, maybe, just a little farther, you hope, you cross your fingers, you try to nudge the wheel with your mind. Finally, the last clack, maybe one more, and the wheel stops on a winning slot between 1 and 30.
Somewhere in the bar, somebody holds the tiny white square with the matching number.
"Come up," yells the caller, "and pick your meat."
The meat raffle: a quintessential Minnesotan bar tradition that plays out every night of the week in one working-class neighborhood's watering hole or another. Though its origins are unknown, its existence is as homegrown as tater tot hot dish. Buy a ticket for a dollar — the proceeds go to charity — and get a chance to win a shrink-wrapped packet of raw, pink flesh from a table at the back of the bar.
"What's not to like?" said Tina Nelson, a regular at the Knight Cap, a northeast Minneapolis tavern that holds meat raffles twice a week. "It's free meat!"
Along with pulltabs and bingo, meat raffles are a popular, almost expected form of recreation in bars, as well as fraternal and veterans' clubs like the Eagles and American Legion. They are part of Minnesota's $1.2 billion charitable gambling industry, one of the largest in the nation.
"Gambling is an ingrained part of the culture in Minnesota," said Gary Danger, compliance officer for the state Gambling Control Board.
And meat raffles' stake in that culture is only growing. While charitable gambling as a whole is only starting to rebound from a flattening during the recession, meat raffles have soared over the past seven years, Danger said. Once only found in rural areas, they are now happening all over the metro area, from dive bars to hipster haunts.