As renewed concerns over digital privacy splash across the headlines, I was recently reminded of just how much data we're sharing with tech companies, right down to each step we take.
Specifically, while transitioning smartphones, I unlocked the depths of what Google had been collecting on me: more than 300,000 data points recording each trip to work, return home, stroll up Nicollet Mall, beer stop in Northeast, grocery run and suburban visit to my dad's.
It knew the names of each business and building I walked into, without a specific check in (something I rarely do). It figured out whether I was walking, driving or riding the LRT, calculated distance and elevation and timestamped it all down to the second.
If my life could possibly be distilled down into a single dataset, this got pretty close.
I accessed this data after downloading my Google Location History, a feature that's been around for awhile and is viewable one day at a time via Google Maps Timeline or via the Google Maps smartphone app.
I knew, in general, that my smartphone was sharing my location with others, and that this feature existed. But mapping all the points spanning 2017 granted a more complete look at how much of my existence is being transmitted to Google.
Note: The process to create maps like this is a bit complex, but users can grab their full Location History from Google Take Out.
For comparison, here's what a single average weekday of my tracked locations from a couple weeks ago looks like, on a day when I didn't even open Google Maps: