Gov. Mark Dayton said that the PolyMet copper-nickel mining project in northeastern Minnesota should be allowed to proceed if it meets environmental standards and financial safeguards, ending years of neutrality on one of the state's most controversial private-sector projects.
"I've always believed environmental protection and economic growth can be complementary objectives," Dayton said Tuesday after speaking at a cybersecurity conference in Minneapolis.
Dayton's approval is no guarantee that the project, more than a decade in the making, will finally come to fruition. PolyMet first must obtain the necessary permits. The Department of Natural Resources is expected to issue a draft permit-to-mine by the end of the year, one of many permits necessary to begin the project. The draft permit would be followed by a public comment period of at least 52 days.
But Dayton's support removes the chance that he would put up a roadblock. And he has provided crucial political cover to the agencies as they finalize their considerations about permitting.
Steve Morse, executive director of the Minnesota Environmental Partnership, said he and his allies "respectfully disagree" with Dayton's stance, which he called "befuddling."
"It's a high-risk project in a highly sensitive watershed," Morse said. "As Minnesotans, we ought to be protecting all of our water resources."
Environmentalists fear toxic tailings could pollute the watershed and that water from open-pit mine and metal processing sites would have to be treated for decades after the mine closes, at a cost of millions.
Dayton's public support for PolyMet comes at a critical time for the DFL Party, which is struggling to work through a series of thorny conflicts between environmentalists and building trades and other unions that support projects like PolyMet.