For some shoppers in liquor store aisles Tuesday, it was a moment to toast the end of the ban on Sunday retail alcohol sales.
Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill Tuesday that ends the ban this summer. If they choose to do so, liquor stores will open for the first time in Minnesota state history on Sunday, July 2.
"This new law reflects the desires of most people in Minnesota, who have made it clear to their legislators that they want to have this additional option," Dayton said in a statement.
The bill passed both chambers of the Legislature last week with bipartisan support.
"This is a good thing," said Amanda Dybedahl of Minneapolis as she shopped for beer and wine at Surdyk's Liquor and Cheese Shop. With the ban in place, Dybedahl said those who like to drink alcohol while watching Sunday sports either have to plan ahead to buy their booze, head to a bar or travel to Wisconsin, where Sunday sales are legal.
"I'm terrible at planning ahead," she said. Being able to buy liquor on Sunday in Minnesota likely will mean she'll limit most of her Wisconsin liquor store trips to those days she craves the Wisconsin brew Spotted Cow.
The Sunday ban "is a silly thing," said Sue Krivit of St. Paul. "It's past its time." For years, she said, it meant having to make do with 3.2 beer because the lower-alcohol beer was the only thing available if a Sunday party popped up. "Or, you would drink what was left over from Saturday," she said.
Standing nearby, holding a bottle of Portuguese wine, Kate McNulty, 66, of St. Paul, said she's no longer of the age where she's feels "compelled" to buy liquor on Sunday. But, she added, it will be nice that she can.