Alexandria Industries, which designs and makes aluminum industrial products, doesn't look like an "alternative-energy" company.
However, about 10 percent of its 400 employees in Alexandria, Minn., produce aluminum arrays for the fast-growing solar-energy industry.
"Solar is about 10 percent of our business, and we're going to grow it to about 20 percent … within five years," said Mark Turley, the renewable energy markets leader at Alexandria. "The other businesses grow at a 3 to 5 percent annual rate. Solar is a viable market, like medical or trucking or automobile or health-and-fitness equipment. Most industries are embracing it. Five years ago we didn't have a market code for our solar work."
Alexandria Industries also is a leading indicator of Minnesota's fast-growing clean-energy economy, rooted in wind, solar, conservation, technology and even software, in a state that historically imported its energy — oil, coal and natural gas — from other states and countries.
Clean Energy Economy Minnesota, an advocacy group that ranges from small green-energy outfits to the gigantic likes of Cargill and Cummins Power, said in September that Minnesota's clean-energy jobs grew 5.3 percent in 2016 to 57,351 jobs. That compares with all-industry growth of 1.4 percent and 4.2 percent for professional and business services, the fastest-growing of the 11 major industrial sectors tracked by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. Clean-energy jobs account for only 2 percent of state jobs so far.
The Minnesota data, part of a Midwest report by Chicago-based Clean Energy Trust, doesn't include jobs created from corn-based ethanol.
"This report tells the story of how Minnesota's rapid transition to cleaner and more sustainable sources of energy is driving job creation all across our state," said Gregg Mast, executive director of Clean Energy Economy Minnesota. "Companies and communities, small or large, are prospering."
This fast-growing sector is an economic turbocharger because it essentially is creating jobs that replaces some importation of oil, natural gas and coal with conservation and homegrown energy. Energy efficiency comprises the largest component of Minnesota's clean energy jobs. Minnesota's solar and wind energy firms, which grew 15 percent last year, employ 5,700-plus people.