As Aria Long struggled to lift a star to a stacking ring, her parents watched wearily but hopefully — their eyes tracking the progress, their dreams for their first child rising and falling with each attempt.
Just a few weeks ago, the rosy-cheeked toddler was pulling herself up on furniture, scooting after the family pets, standing and attempting steps. But that was before a rare and mysterious affliction, called acute flaccid myelitis, or AFM, paralyzed her limbs and left her struggling to eat and breathe.
Now the question is: Just how much can she get back?
"It's not fair that she has to go through all this," said her father, Dylan Long, as Aria was wheeled from speech therapy to occupational therapy to physical therapy on Monday at Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul. "But you have to play the hand you're dealt, right?"
Six or seven Minnesota children have been diagnosed this year with AFM, a polio-like disorder that attacks the spongy core of the spinal cord. The local cluster has renewed national attention to the disorder, which federal officials started tracking in 2014 after outbreaks in California and Colorado, while forcing parents to confront the realities of prevention and treatment.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported 155 suspected cases in the nation so far this year, but it hasn't isolated the viral, genetic or environmental causes. While only one in a million children suffers the disorder, health officials don't know who is at risk. They also don't know why cases have peaked in September every other year since 2014 and who will recover the most.
"Recovery is a long, slow process," said Janet Dean, a pediatric nurse practitioner specializing in spinal cord injuries at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, a top AFM treatment center.
"We don't know how far kids are going to recover. We know that all kids make some improvement, some more than others, and that it's difficult to predict which kids are going to end up in which group."