A bartender hears a lot of things. Tears-in-your-beer breakup stories, far-fetched fish tales and a few tidbits of homespun wisdom, too, like how to cure the dreaded hangover. Over the years, Johnny Michaels, the chief bartender at La Belle Vie in Minneapolis, has collected tidbits of hangover advice and compiled them in a five-step cure for when he needs to serve medical advice with his Manhattans.
But is it scientifically sound? Michaels wants to know. So we put his hang-over cure to the scientific test: a vetting by Dutch psychopharmacologist Joris Verster, professor at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands, and the founder of the international Alcohol Hangover Research Group. So here it is -- mixologist vs. scientist:
Johnny Michaels' Hangover Cure, Step 1: Two days before you plan to do a lot of drinking, down lots of water, then continue to drink plenty of water until you go to your party.
Prof. Verster says: There's no scientific reason to load up on water before a bender. Alcohol dehydrates the body remarkably fast, so even well-hydrated people get dehydrated after they drink.
Michaels' Hangover Cure, Step 2: Lay off sugary foods and desserts while you're drinking. That'll keep a hangover headache in check.
Verster says: Tests proved the sugar-free approach to be baseless. Cutting back on sugar may make a difference to your waistline, but it's not going to make a difference to your hangover.
Michaels' Hangover Cure, Step 3: Take two aspirin before going to bed.
Verster says: It hasn't been definitively proven, but taking an anti-inflammatory medication, such as aspirin, might be a pretty smart thing to do.