When patients need simple health care, they can get impatient about having to wait.
That's prompted more health care systems to stress convenience.
This month, North Memorial Health Care will open two easy-access clinics in new Hy-Vee grocery stores in New Hope and Oakdale, hoping that shoppers might add treatment for warts, fever and other ailments to their grocery lists.
The resurgence of retail health clinics by hospital operators comes as they also pump money into online programs that let patients tap into care through computers and smartphones without leaving home.
Health care groups are playing catch up with the "on-demand" spirit that's reshaped how banks, airlines and entertainment companies deliver products to consumers.
"As patients are shouldering more of the cost burden, they are much more focused on value and convenience and customer services," said Kimberly Tuby, an analyst with Moody's Investors Service. "We do see hospitals responding, especially on the convenience front."
The push to build small clinics in stores was launched about 15 years ago by MinuteClinic, a Minneapolis-based company that pitched walk-in care by nurse practitioners for minor ailments.
CVS acquired MinuteClinic in 2006, and the pharmacy giant now has about 1,000 store-based clinics in 31 states, and expects to add another 500 in the next couple of years.