Hennepin County wants to launch a $26 million program to protect at-risk children, preventing abuse rather than waiting to act until it happens.
The new model reflects a national trend of moving child protection services from crisis mode to responding before abuse takes place.
No longer will a child need to endure maltreatment before they get social services in Minnesota's most populous county, an unprecedented step in the state.
"This is really a profound transformation of the system," said Jennifer DeCubellis, deputy county administrator of health and human services.
County officials on Thursday will unveil the three- to five-year plan, the result of a committee that's met for a year to come up with ideas for reforming the system.
After the County Board discusses the proposal, it will be asked to approve $13.3 million in added costs for 2017 — part of a $26 million plan over the next three years that would add nearly 250 new county staff and create a new committee to continue the work.
"It's a really crisis-driven system right now," DeCubellis said. "We really need to change that paradigm."
Those costs will include additional staff to reduce child protection caseloads, more staff for a parent support outreach program that helps connect parents with the right services, a new child well-being director to head up the initiative and a new "transformation team."