Rosalie Wahl would be worthy to be remembered if all she had done was break the gender barrier on the Minnesota Supreme Court. But Wahl, who died last year at age 88, was more than a female first. She was the leader of a successful effort to bring a greater measure of fairness and respect to all of the women involved in the Minnesota judicial system, from the lowliest defendants to high court judges.
Wahl's story and its context — Minnesota's experience with America's most far-reaching 20th-century movement for social change — are told in a new book, "Her Honor: Rosalie Wahl and the Minnesota Women's Movement," by Star Tribune columnist and editorial writer Lori Sturdevant (Minnesota Historical Society Press). Two excerpts follow. The first comes from the story of Wahl's 1978 election campaign against formidable competition to retain the Supreme Court seat to which Gov. Rudy Perpich appointed her in 1977:
The 1978 campaign to unseat Rosalie Wahl rebuts the notion that Minnesota has never witnessed the rough-and-tumble judicial electioneering that erodes respect for the courts. … Precisely this sort of campaign was waged against Rosalie. …
Each of Rosalie's challengers denied that her gender had inspired his candidacy, but each argued that in experience, training, and perspective she was unqualified for the high court — an argument sure to resonate with those who doubted that women belonged in judicial robes. …
Of the three men challenging Rosalie, [Robert] Mattson [Sr.] was the best known and most clearly identified with socially conservative traditionalists in the DFL Party. … His political mentors included federal judge Miles Lord, for whom Mattson had served as chief deputy while Lord was attorney general in the 1950s, and governor Karl Rolvaag. … The latter appointed Mattson in 1964 to complete [Walter Mondale's term as attorney general]. He left that post two years later without seeking re-election, telling reporters … he could not afford to serve in the $18,000 a year post. Rosalie's job paid $49,000 in 1978, a sum he evidently considered sufficient. …
Wahl and her backers were about to experience how vicious judicial politics could be — even in a "Minnesota nice" state in which judges do not wear party labels. Beginning three weeks after the primary, Mattson launched a series of newspaper ads criticizing Wahl's opinions in selected supreme court cases. They portrayed her as "soft" on rape and drug trafficking, insufficiently respectful of police work, and at odds with state law.
Mattson was seriously distorting Wahl's record. … When reporters asked Mattson to explain his ads' contention that her 'vote' in [disputed] cases "is inconsistent with Minnesota law," he responded that every dissent from the court's majority opinion is inconsistent with the law, because the majority opinion is the law. … He was voicing stunning hostility toward dissenting opinions. …
The harsh tone and dubious veracity of Mattson's critique rallied the state's legal and political establishment to Wahl's defense. … Her best chance to defend herself against Mattson's charges came just four days before the election, at a debate between the two supreme court candidates sponsored by the Ramsey County Bar Association. When he reiterated his by-then familiar litany of accusations against Wahl, she was ready. She explained that she had upheld convictions in the vast majority of the approximately 130 criminal cases that the high court had seen in the previous year and added that the cases Mattson faulted were dissents based on U.S. Supreme Court decisions. "I was defending not only the rights of criminals, but your rights and my rights," she said. Noting that misrepresentation of facts is a violation of the code of judicial ethics, she continued, "If people want to judge between the candidates for this office, they might want to look no further than the kind of campaign that is being waged."