St. Paul has its historic Mickey's Diner. And now Minneapolis has its Hi-Lo Diner.
The snazzy new Hi-Lo opened last week at Lake Street and 41st Avenue S., but it's actually not so new.
The building rolled off the line at the Fodero Dining Car Co. in New Jersey in 1957 — it's a modular structure that's designed to split down the center, lengthwise, not unlike a double-wide trailer home — and spent the next half-century as the Venus Diner in suburban Pittsburgh.
"That's the definition of a diner," said co-owner Mike Smith. "They're not site-built buildings. They're built in a factory, and shipped."
To the casual observer, the Venus (re-christened the Hi-Lo once it crossed the Mississippi) is a smile-inducing example of historic preservation, and no doubt the awards will follow. But beneath all that polished stainless steel lies a deeper purpose: crime prevention.
Smith and business partner James Brown grew tired of the break-ins at Forage Modern Workshop. The front door of their four-year-old furniture and home accessories store has been kicked in on eight occasions since 2012 and they wanted to add some protective eyes to the neighborhood.
They already owned the property across the street: It was home to one of the great visual scourges of our time, a derelict Taco Bell outlet from the 1980s.
What better replacement for an abandoned building than a busy diner, with a constant flow of upstanding citizens dropping in at all hours for pancakes, burgers, pie and trendy ice cream drinks?