If the Blood on the Tracks Express train ride or the Hard Rain in Duluth benefit concert hasn't made you rush to the North Country this week for Bob Dylan's 72nd birthday, at least give Hibbing and Duluth credit for finally getting excited about their most famous native son.
Seventy-five miles apart, the northern Minnesota cities are coming together for the first time to copresent simultaneous festivals. However, they could wind up rivals for the ultimate prize: a permanent museum in Dylan's honor.
Duluth's Dylan Fest, now in its third year, coincides with a new Bob Dylan Way walking tour and a small permanent exhibit at Fitger's Brewery. Mayor Don Ness points to the growing Dylan presence as a symbol of how times are a-changin' in his city.
"Today's Duluth has a very different ethos [than the] conservative industry town" it was when Dylan was born there as Robert Zimmerman on May 24, 1941, Ness said. "It's a city that celebrates creativity, entrepreneurism and a progressive worldview. I'd like to think if he gave Duluth another look, he'd be impressed."
Hibbing, which was even more industrial and small-townish when Dylan lived there from 1947 until his high school graduation in 1959, was ahead of Duluth on the festival front. The Iron Range hub has been hosting Dylan Days since 2001 — although back then you'd see more signs trumpeting the city as the birthplace of Jeno's Pizza Rolls and the Greyhound bus line than any proof of Dylan's local roots. Today, however, you can find the cover of Dylan's album "Blood on the Tracks" painted on the former Zimmerman family home, and a growing if not yet museum-worthy collection of posters, photos and memorabilia at Zimmy's restaurant.
"For years, people were coming to Hibbing, looking around for any trace of him," recalled Zimmy's co-owner Linda Stroback, who, like most locals, still refers to Dylan's late parents by their first names. "I think people in Abe and Beatty's generation resisted acknowledging him, and even many in Bob's generation, but that's definitely not the case anymore."
Now the question is if state officials will acknowledge Dylan's legacy. Stroback and other Dylan Days organizers hope to garner Legacy dollars or other cultural funding for Dylan-related projects in Hibbing. One idea is to present the exhibit "Bob Dylan's American Journey," which has been shown at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles and the Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis.
A 'complicated' relationship
While Dylan boosters in Hibbing and Duluth agree on the idea of a museum, they predictably disagree over where it should go.