Rosa Aragon is juggling three jobs and being a single mother to her two sons. But each Thursday, the struggles of daily life wash away as she and five other women tend to buzzing colonies of bees.
These self-described Reinas de Miel, or Honey Queens, look after hives on a farm in Lakeville as part of a program aimed at getting low-income women involved in beekeeping. Urban Ventures, a local faith-based nonprofit, hired the women part time for $15 an hour to supervise its bees and learn the craft of making honey.
Beekeeping is empowering the women, said Susana Espinosa de Sygulla, Urban Ventures vice president of Latino outreach.
"Little by little, we are breaking the cycle of hopelessness," she said. "I love the transformation with the women."
Each of the women are also handling personal challenges. Aragon, 46, has one child with Down syndrome, and Dolores Montes, 38, is saving up for her three children and their futures. Most of the women have jobs cooking and cleaning for families in Minnesota.
"It's a big help for my family," Montes said. "The more I earn from beekeeping, the more I will save for my kids' education."
Before beekeeping, the women were taking part in Urban Ventures' program to support Latino families.
They came together in March to become beekeepers through a partnership with the University of Minnesota's Bee Squad. During the spring, the Reinas de Miel took an apiculture, or beekeeping, class at the U, and now are in the hands-on portion of the program, where they meet each Thursday to care for the colonies.