On the seventh day of his vigil, Scott Rake hovered over his laptop and rubbed his bleary eyes. His mare, Peaceful Sky, should have given birth by now — and with her pregnancy at 340 days and counting, he was trying his best not to worry.
Rake, his wife, Angie, and farm manager Heather Haagenson began monitoring Peaceful Sky 24 hours a day once her udder started to swell and she became restless. Haagenson slept in the barn on a pair of chairs. The Rakes kept the laptop on the kitchen counter at their farm near Elko, scrutinizing every twitch of the mare's tail and every toss of her head via the webcam in her stall. Night after night, Rake stared at the screen until 1 or 2 or 3 a.m., then took the laptop to the bedroom so he could sneak in a few minutes of sleep.
"This is really rare,'' he said, as the anticipation crossed into a second week. "She's really holding on to it. That probably means it's going to be a boy. And it's going to be big.''
After milking the suspense for one more day, Peaceful Sky ended it quickly once she finally lay down and groaned. It took only about 20 minutes from the time the first tiny hoof appeared to the moment Haagenson eased a warm, wet, long-legged baby into the straw, just as the evening sun was beginning to fade.
"It's like Christmas,'' Rake said, as he took pictures with his phone. "What did we get?''
"Three white socks,'' Haagenson replied. "It's huge. And it's a boy.''
Caught up in the euphoria, Rake glanced across the barn aisle at his other new arrival — a 3-month-old filly — and blurted out the hope stoked by the birth of every thoroughbred racehorse. "Great,'' he said. "One for the [Kentucky] Derby, and one for the Oaks.''
Far from the bluegrass, during the fitful Minnesota spring, the arrival of every new crop of foals renews grand dreams for breeders like Rake. It's a business that can be as brutal as it is beautiful, requiring good fortune — in the form of money, as well as luck — to produce even a winner at Canterbury Park.