Sen. Amy Klobuchar, one of more than a dozen Democratic candidates for president in 2020, has not become a breakout star. But the Minnesota senator is one of the few hopefuls who released a plan addressing concerns of older adults and family caregivers, as well as providing broader health coverage for all Americans.
Her proposal homes in on Alzheimer's disease and would lower the cost of prescription drugs, according to the campaign. That would be good news for the millions of Americans who care for parents, in-laws, spouses, partners and friends with Alzheimer's and other dementias.
Klobuchar has spoken frankly about her father's battle with Alzheimer's; she has firsthand knowledge of the difficulties that family caregivers face. She wants expanded training and support services for families and caregivers of people living with dementia and other chronic conditions. It's an approach she thinks will improve caregivers' well-being and allow more people with dementia and chronic conditions to remain at home longer.
That could help Patrick Dwyer, 49, who cares for his former romantic partner and good friend John, near Boston. John, now 80, has no family able to care for him, so it fell to Dwyer, who describes John as "the father I never had."
In addition to vascular-related dementia, John has congestive heart failure, is partially blind, and has peripheral neuropathy, among other chronic conditions. When he could no longer live alone, Dwyer made the tough decision to quit his job at the University of Massachusetts Boston and became a full-time caregiver.
Dwyer says he had to learn to care for John as he went along. "I vowed that I'm keeping him at home as long as possible. There's no way I'm putting him into a nursing home that will basically just warehouse him," he says.
While Dwyer was fortunate to have savings to dip into to care for John, they're rapidly being depleted. Many family caregivers are not so lucky and Medicare, generally speaking, doesn't cover long-term care costs.
"If you are very poor, you can get help from Medicaid," he says. "If you are very wealthy, you can send the loved one to a good memory care center or nursing facility, but that's going to cost in the neighborhood of $10,000 to $15,000 a month. If you are a retired schoolteacher out on a disability pension, then what?"