Thousands of miles away from Minnesota, rainforests in the Amazon are burning down. But local nonprofits say Minnesotans can help.
More than 26,000 forest fires have been recorded in the Amazon rainforest this month, the highest number in a decade, according to the New York Times. That affects climate change because forests absorb a significant share of the planet's climate-warming carbon dioxide. They are also home to endangered species and indigenous people.
"It's a global issue … it will impact Minnesota," said Tim Schaefer, the state director of Environment Minnesota, an advocacy organization based in Minneapolis. "It's just a really important moment and we want to be part of finding a solution."
Here are some suggestions:
• Donate to a nonprofit
National nonprofits such as the Rainforest Alliance have set up funds to support groups in Brazil working to protect the Amazon.
• Contact elected officials
Schaefer said local residents could put pressure on federal elected officials to boost aid to Brazil. National environmental groups also say consumers should be aware of how their choices affect deforestation.
• Plant a tree
Many local nonprofits organize and fund tree plantings across the state.
Great River Greening, a St. Paul nonprofit, organizes volunteers to plants trees, grasses and flowers and implement conservation practices on agricultural land to decrease erosion throughout the state. Donate or find more details at