AARHUS, Denmark
Mohamoud Abdullahi did everything he could to keep his daughter from joining the fight in Syria.
He told her again and again about the civil war in his native Somalia and the toll it took on survivors like him.
"Unless you are trained, you can't go to a war zone," he warned.
But in the final days of 2013, the 22-year-old college student called to say she was on her way to reunite with her husband, who had recently traveled to the Middle East. She was one of 30 young people from Denmark's second-largest city to leave for Syria that year.
The wave of departures put the nation in the forefront of global efforts to stop the flow of fighters joining Islamist extremists. Now it is testing the idea that society can blunt the lure of extremism with a distinct brand of Scandinavian Nice — and officials in Minneapolis are watching closely.
Video (06:32): Denmark's unique approach to deradicalization relies on inclusion and religious freedom.
Denmark counsels budding radicals, finds jobs for returning foreign fighters, coaches family members and reaches out to the radical Aarhus mosque where Abdullahi's daughter once worshiped. Authorities here say this soft approach works: The exodus of young people has slowed to a trickle.