When it comes to COVID-19, social media is a fire hose of facts, fears and fabrications. It'll jazz you up and calm you down. It'll make you scowl at toilet paper hoarders one minute, then bolt off to the store the next.
It was different in the age when people got their news from, well, newspapers. If you examine the archives to see how papers reported on the pandemics of yore — 1918, 1957, 1968, 2009 — you see how the culture is reflected in the tone. And you can't help concluding that either they were made of sterner stuff than us, or they really didn't know what they were up against. Or both.
Spanish flu, 1918. The last grueling death rattle of World War I dominated the papers, not the flu. Which is not to say papers ignored it. They ran poems about it. Humorous poems, at that, mocking hypochondriacs and panic-mongers. And when they did take it seriously, it could backfire. The Winnipeg Tribune ran a front-page story about shop owners blaming the paper for hyping the flu and ruining business.
The occasional alarming anecdote would turn up. An item in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune on Oct. 30, 1918, has a raw, despairing quality absent in nearly every other story on the epidemic.
"A letter from a small town in the east says: 'People are dying by the hundreds here. They cannot dig graves fast enough, and there is a shortage of caskets. I don't know what we will do if this keeps up; it seems they will have to bury the dead without coffins.' That's how terrible the Spanish Influence is in some locations."
That was not a news story, though. That was an ad for an anti-flu nostrum that was literally called Snake Oil — in case you wondered how bogus meds got that name.
The papers noted the number of reported flu cases, the local deaths, the closings — but the stories were small. Wartime censorship kept a lid on bad news that might dent home-front morale. Plus, the appetite for death tolls and harrowing predictions was not abundant in a population exhausted by war news.
Asian flu, 1957. On July 4, 1957, a headline in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune said, "Minnesota Keeps an Eye Out for Asian flu."