Most everything about my youth suggested that church would be a large part of whatever life might bring. As was common in rural Minnesota back then, churches were the spiritual and social centers of those they served. We spent a lot of time at ours.
Midweek was Bible study; Saturday was catechism; Sunday was more study, the regular service and Methodist Youth Fellowship. There were regular "Circle" meetings and special events like ice-cream socials — and, of course, Christmas and Easter.
I shoveled the church sidewalk in winter, mowed its lawn in summer and cleared tables at dinners. Our sparse home closets kept "for good" clothes, strictly reserved for church events.
There was supper-table chitchat about the weather, what the neighbors were up to, how the farm animals were doing and goings-on at church — including, at times, open scorn about those Catholic "fish-eaters." Many adults, Catholic and Protestant, considered interfaith dating verboten. Catholics seemed most devout. Perhaps it was mysticism of the priest, who, our friends from St. Mary's boasted, was God's chosen emissary. The "Father" ruled the town's grandest building, wore distinctive garb, could speak Latin and was the Bible's final authority.
Regardless of affiliation, church was etched into our character.
Boy, things have changed.
The Star Tribune's periodic "Test of Faith" series by Jean Hopfensperger reports that mainline churches are closing as attendance and membership plummet. Just 1 in 5 Minnesotans claim a church affiliation, a record low.
Among the many reasons are tuned-out millennials not replacing seniors and the distractions of a mobile society with jammed calendars. Who'd have thought that gathering for kids' soccer would supplant church as a social center?