Minnesotans must face the facts and unite to reverse the economic disparities that plague the black community in this state.
Fact is … the latest statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau found black Minnesotans' median household income dropped to $27,000 in 2014.
Fact is … Minnesota now trails Mississippi when it comes to median household income for blacks.
Fact is … the unemployment rate for blacks in Minnesota is 15.6 percent — four times the state's overall rate of 4 percent.
Fact is … the state and many business leaders seem willing to give blacks everything but a job.
Now that we know the facts, here are concrete solutions that must be implemented to eradicate what many have become accustomed to hearing about Minnesota.
Offer GED services for older adults. Statistics show that 60,000 adults in Hennepin County, 29,000 in Minneapolis alone, do not have a GED — a basic requirement for any type of vocational training or higher education coursework. To be successful we must provide a structured learning environment that is culturally based and not only supports student retention but puts them on a path to industry-relevant careers.
Promote small-business start-ups in the African-American community. Entrepreneurship is prevalent in this state and we need to ensure that we provide technical assistance and funding for business start-ups in African-American communities.