Stephanie Glaros may approach you on the street someday. She might want to take your picture and ask you some questions about your life, your hopes and dreams and what made you who you are. You might not be completely sure what's happening, but maybe you'll say yes anyway.
That part still shocks her.
Glaros runs Humans of Minneapolis, a blog inspired by Humans of New York. She interviews and photographs people she meets on the street and uploads their stories for the world to see on Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram. Her goal is to get potentially closed-off Minnesotans to open up and share something about their lives, challenges and dreams.
Easier said than done.
"People are reserved here and they don't want attention, so it can be a bit of a challenge to draw people out," said Glaros, a Minneapolis-based freelance photographer and graphic design instructor at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. "I look at that as a challenge to get real and get outside of our shells and make a connection. That's what it's about for me. There's something magical about connecting with a complete stranger."
Humans of Minneapolis is not exactly like Humans of New York. Glaros' version tells unique stories like Humans of New York does, but she focuses more on relatable stories that potentially home in on social justice issues. Glaros calls it "emotional storytelling with a social justice bent."
She has a specific process for approaching potential subjects, a technique perfected through trial and error and lots of rejections by people who were busy or distracted. Some folks still say no, but now she knows what to look for.
"I approach people I feel like I'll connect with," Glaros said. "I have to be able to gain their trust."