Dennis Dunn, an outdoor writer in Kirkland, Wash., is a longtime acquaintance of Walt Palmer, the Minnesota dentist and big-game hunter who has become the target of global wrath for hunting and killing a beloved Zimbabwe lion, Cecil.
The lion was a favorite among tourists and wildlife researchers.
Palmer reportedly killed the lion with a gun after wounding it with a bow and arrow while on a guided African hunt. His guides are facing criminal charges for illegal hunting. Zimbabwe game officials said Tuesday that they "are looking for Palmer."
Dunn said he's known Palmer for at least 20 years, meeting up with him every couple years at a convention for members of Pope and Young, a bowhunting and conservation organization.
"I've always considered him a very bright, honorable guy," said Dunn, a Harvard graduate who majored in Romance languages, taught French in middle and senior high school, and worked as a securities broker. He has since become a writer.
Dunn said he hasn't talked to Palmer about the incident in Africa and doesn't know the details of the hunt there. But he said that ethical hunters who wound an animal, as reportedly happened with Cecil the lion, feel obligated to pursue it and end its life as soon as possible.
"Walt Palmer is an exceedingly accurate shot with a bow and arrow," said Dunn, who once hunted with Palmer in Mexico.
He and Palmer are among two dozen hunters who have completed what's known as the North American Super Slam, taking all 29 huntable big-game species recognized by the Pope and Young Club. Dunn's book, "BAREBOW!," recounting his 40-year pursuit of the Grand Slam.