"So, where are you from?" Someone asks me at a party, a work function or another social occasion where people are mingling and playing 20 Questions.
"I'm from Climax, Minnesota. It's this really teeny town near Grand Forks …"
I am generally interrupted by laughter before I can finish my sentence.
"Wait, is it really called that?" they ask. And I'll nod, waiting for their next line.
At this point, I can practically see the jokes forming in their brains. "So, have you ever … you know … in Climax?"
I've heard them all. There is no joke to be made about the name of my hometown that hasn't been said a thousand times before. You might reference the "Fertile woman dies in Climax" bit, supposedly from Jay Leno's Headlines. As far as I know, the headline never appeared. I even looked it up on Snopes.com.
Yes, I'm aware that my hometown shares its name with a sexual release. If you'd like to know, it was named for a brand of chewing tobacco back in 1896.
True confession: I didn't actually grow up in Climax. I grew up right across the Red River on a farm in North Dakota.