Democratic state Rep. Ilhan Omar and her Republican challenger, Jennifer Zielinski, met Tuesday for their only debate during the campaign for an open Minneapolis-area U.S. House seat.
Omar, the front-runner to replace U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison in the heavily Democratic Fifth District, repeated that if elected she would vote to impeach President Donald Trump, if given the chance.
"This is a president really that has put his interests and his financial interests above the country and the nation's interests, and so there are multiple things the president has done to qualify for him to get impeached," Omar said in the debate in Minnesota Public Radio's St. Paul studio.
She added that it is important to make changes at the ballot box to "make sure no one associated with this presidency is in power."
Zielinski, a Republican activist who works in health care, said she did not always agree with Trump and insisted she would represent the interests of the district. It has been a safely Democratic seat since 1962.
"When President Donald Trump does something I agree with and works for the district, I will support him," Zielinski said. "When he doesn't, I will be the first one calling him out on that."
Omar also said she supports a single-payer health care system. Zielinski vowed not to vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a proper replacement ready "to protect those who are on Medicaid and on Medicare." She said she "definitely" wanted to see pre-existing conditions still covered as part of any new plan.
In a discussion about Congress' 2017 tax bill, Omar said she would rather have seen federal lawmakers cancel student debt. Zielinski said she would have supported the measure. She said she hopes the tax cuts, estimated to have cost about $2.2 trillion, will pay for themselves and sees reining in spending by government agencies as a way to help.