WATSON, Minn. — Amy Rager knows some of the best spots in Minnesota.
She'll even share global positioning system coordinates or lead a hike, if that's what it takes to introduce someone to the state's natural wonders. As director of the Minnesota Master Naturalist Program since its 2005 inception, Rager has had a hand in equipping thousands of volunteers to introduce others to the natural world.
Among volunteers' more unusual projects: Exploring herpetology (study of amphibians), mapping railroad lines, and providing an interpretive trail through a tamarack swamp.
The University of Minnesota Extension-run program promotes understanding and stewardship of the natural environment through a corps of well-informed citizens dedicated to service and conservation education.
Volunteers logged more than 478,000 hours from 2005 through 2016.
In 2016 alone, 730 volunteers logged 82,775 hours.
The nerd herd, Rager's two daughters affectionately call them.
The prairie woman, Rager's colleagues call her.