Introductory news conferences involving sports executives rarely dive below the surface and produce truth-serum revelations. That forum tends to elicit stock answers more than anything.
Paul Fenton gave an answer at his official welcome this past week that deserved an 'A' for honesty. Asked what appealed to him when seeking to become the Wild's new general manager, Fenton said money. Specifically, team owner Craig Leipold's willingness to spend right up to the salary cap.
"We have the opportunity to put pieces in place and not have to worry about it," Fenton said.
That candid assessment came one day after Twins owner Jim Pohlad of the "cheap Pohlad" clan agreed to eat $22 million in salary to get rid of an ineffective pitcher, Phil Hughes, because he was taking up a roster spot.
At one time, sports owners in this market were regarded as cheapskates, men who seemed to care more about counting nickels than investing in their operation. Carl Pohlad, Red McCombs, Norm Green all carried that unflattering reputation.
The present collection of owners aren't operating in the mold of tightwads. This is how it should be.
None of the five pro teams is rebuilding. (Not including United in this discussion since the MLS franchise is still in its infancy.) Every team has a modern stadium or renovated arena that serves as a cash cow. TV revenue is more lucrative for teams. Ticket prices and cost of concessions have soared for fans. Owners should feel compelled to conduct business with a reciprocal financial commitment.
One high-ranking team executive in town offered another reason. Teams face fierce competition for ticket buyers and corporate sponsorships within the market so owners feel pressure to spend to stay relevant.