Faced with increased criticism over its troubled rollout of body-worn cameras, the Minneapolis Police Department is overhauling its policy on the devices' use, which officials said was an important step toward enhancing transparency and accountability.
Officers will be required to switch on their recording devices well before arriving on the scene of an emergency, with the new policy requiring activation at least two blocks away from the "service location." If dispatched to a location less than two blocks away, officers must activate their cameras immediately.
If they violate the policy, they can now be disciplined.
"For the first time, we're going to give it teeth," Mayor Jacob Frey said at a news conference with Chief Medaria Arradondo on Wednesday. "Any body camera policy worth its salt must have consequences — this one does."
The state's largest law enforcement agency came under public scrutiny last fall after a city audit found that officers were frequently leaving their cameras off while responding to calls, even after the department's policy was tightened. The report concluded that most of the problems likely resulted from a lack of discipline for officers who flouted department rules on activating and deactivating the cameras appropriately.
Despite the lapses, officials said that no officers had ever been disciplined for a body camera-related violation. Frey said the policy is aimed at helping to ensure compliance, and is "designed to maximize the number of times it's supposed to be turned on."
The cameras have been adopted rapidly by police agencies across the country amid growing scrutiny of officers' behavior, even as their effectiveness as a check on brutality is unproven.
But in Minneapolis, the department-wide policy was first revamped after the killing of Justine Ruszczyk Damond in a south Minneapolis alley last July. Damond was shot by officer Mohamed Noor after she called police to report a possible assault behind her home. Noor was fired from the department last month on the same day prosecutors charged him with Damond's murder. Neither Noor nor his partner, Matthew Harrity, had cameras turned on during the encounter, prompting calls for a stricter policy. A few days after the shooting, Arradondo, then the acting chief, ordered officers to use the devices in nearly all public encounters, from traffic stops to 911 calls, with few exceptions.