What or who is even "American" these days?
The Minnesota Museum of American Art wants to know. It tapped four Twin Cities curators to answer that question in a large-scale exhibition with more than 40 works by artists from a wide range of backgrounds, races, sexualities and genders.
The exhibit occupies the two corner galleries of the museum, which is in the process of expanding across the hallway of the historic Pioneer-Endicott buildings in St. Paul, designed in part by Minnesota State Capitol architect Cass Gilbert. The additional 20,000 square feet of space is on track to open early next summer.
Johnnay Leenay focuses her section on queer, transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals who face discrimination and are also on the forefront of social justice work.
"When I was tasked with how do you define 'America' or 'we the people,' I felt like in today's climate a lot of my identities are getting attacked — being a person of color, being queer, being a woman," said Leenay, who is also the museum's Diversity in the Arts Curatorial Fellow. "So I felt like, to really even begin to give one of those light, I needed to intentionally focus on one. I chose queerness because it is not always a visible identity and this exhibition gave me the opportunity to explore it through an artistic lens."
Her section includes a series called "Butch Heroes" by Ria Brodell, who researched the history of transgender people in the United States and discovered three individuals who lived beyond the gender binary before there were terms like transgender, queer, lesbian, or even butch/femme/androgynous. Each illustrative drawing looks like a trading card of sorts, with the term "Butch Heroes" at the top. One depicts Sammy Williams, who lived and worked as a lumberjack and camp cook, and was known as a ladies man and also "strong as an ox." After his death in 1908, female genitalia were discovered; mainstream newspapers at the time struggled to understand what this meant.
In artist Christopher Harrison's section, he focused on the sub-themes of home, travel, immigration, nostalgia and identity. Nooshin Hakim's piece "11000 KM of Hope" (2017) is a hanging pair of worn-down kids' shoes, encrusted with thick layers of aquamarine and deep blue shards of crystals, a testament to the arrival marked by the Statue of Liberty, where America is poised as a refuge.
Mary Anne Quiroz's section speaks to her own experiences as an immigrant from the Philippines, a woman, and someone who works closely and creatively with her family members. With her husband, Sergio Cenoch Quiroz, who is from Mexico, she runs the traditional Aztec dance and drum group Kalpulli Yaocenoxtli. They are also co-founders of Indigenous Roots Cultural Arts Center in St. Paul.