Chris Thile bounds into Kopplin's Coffee shop in St. Paul like he's one of us.
Well, he's not. At least not yet. He's still months away from grabbing the key to the city of Lake Wobegon from Garrison Keillor. Thile is the host-designate for radio's "A Prairie Home Companion," destined to take over Minnesota's most famous fictional town on Oct. 15.
When Thile (pronounced THEE-lee) arrived at Kopplin's direct from the MSP airport on a recent afternoon, he looked like any other collegiate type at the indie java joint — stocking cap, quilted jacket, long scarf, jeans and an oldie-but-a-goodie hoodie. Oh, one thing did set him apart — he was carrying a shiny mandolin case.
Know this about Chris Thile: He likes coffee. And it's not just because his wife is actress Claire Coffee, star of NBC's "Grimm," which keeps the family of three in Portland, Ore., where the show is shot.
"The pursuit of great coffee helps me feel at home in the midst of a fairly nomadic life," says Thile, 35, sounding like a self-educated nerd who could lecture about beans at a community college. "I find it a grounding — oh, God, no, didn't mean it — it helps center one in the midst of gallivanting about the country. I make it at home. I take it seriously."
His hands are as animated as an orchestra conductor's. His eyes are as bright and fast as a 5-year-old's. His smile is quick and easy, even though he wears a retainer.
Thile discovered Kopplin's after growing tired of the brew at his downtown St. Paul hotel, where he was staying during a recent visit to "Prairie Home." He seeks out specialty coffee shops as he travels with the Punch Brothers or Nickel Creek, the Grammy-winning progressive bluegrass trio that made him famous in the music industry.
Coffee and music are just two of the priorities in Thile's life. He's hopelessly curious about a number of topics, but none more pressing these days than radio, especially how to keep this seemingly ancient medium compelling in a social media world.