Posters that read "It's OK to Be White" have popped up in cities and schools across the country in recent days, including at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn.
A few of the posters were found on the private liberal arts campus Tuesday night and Wednesday.
They have since been removed, but their brief appearance struck a chord with students who said the signs run counter to the school's values of inclusiveness and safety for all who work and study there.
"I was really shocked that someone had the guts to do this because we try to promote diversity so much, and seeing this is saying, "Hey, we still have students who aren't fully invested in this diversity message,' " senior Micah Ferden told WDAY-TV in Fargo.
The signs apparently were tied to an online campaign on the message board 4chan. An image of the board, where most posts are anonymous, encouraged people to make signs and put them up on campuses on Halloween night.
"Put on a silly costume for anonymity, nobody will think twice because it's Halloween," one of the messages said. "The next morning, the media goes completely berserk," another message said.
Concordia administration removed the signs because they did not follow the display policy for placing signage on the campus, a statement from the school said.
Some have decried the posters as racist, and school President William Craft said he wanted to invite the campus community to engage in a more open conversation on the topic at a forum that he was working to facilitate.