On the day that cast and crew first met this month, playwright Jeffrey Hatcher described the central characters in "Glensheen," the new musical that opens next weekend at History Theatre in St. Paul.
"Marjorie and Roger are real people, but they are super, ridiculously bad people, bigger than life," Hatcher said.
Indeed. "Fargo" was still just a North Dakota city when Roger Caldwell and his then-wife, Marjorie, slammed into the center of one of Minnesota's most notorious murder cases.
The night of June 27, 1977, Roger broke into Glensheen to burgle the 39-room mansion on Lake Superior that belonged to Marjorie's mother, 83-year-old Duluth heiress Elisabeth Congdon. He killed her nurse, Velma Pietila, with a brass candlestick, and smothered his partly paralyzed mother-in-law with her satin pillowcase.
Roger Caldwell confessed to the killings in a plea deal that secured his release from prison, then used his remaining years to drink himself to death. Marjorie was acquitted of complicity in a sensational trial, but since then her life has been streaked with legal problems that still dog her at age 85.
They are the kind of characters who populate the great seriocomic operas — grand, avaricious, stumbling villains.
"I don't go to enough opera to know what irony it can take," Hatcher said. But he certainly did know that he wanted to use music to tell a stage story about the Congdon tragedy and the mystique of Glensheen.
"It lends itself to over-the-top melodies," said composer Chan Poling, best known as the frontman of Twin Cities pop-punk heroes the Suburbs.