A White Bear Lake woman dubbed "the neighbor from hell" pleaded guilty Monday to violating a restraining order by videotaping her neighbor's home and car, the latest in a long line of transgressions that have landed her in trouble.
Lori E. Christensen, 50, initially tried to evade responsibility as she accepted a plea agreement in Ramsey County District Court that avoids prison time. Christensen told Judge Judith Tilsen that she could have "inadvertently" filmed her neighbor's home and car while using video surveillance on her own property.
Christensen has been warned to stop harassing her neighbors and has faced restraining orders and jail time. She was even barred from returning to her home, unless escorted by police.
She's mocked neighbor Greg Hoffman's wife, a recovering alcoholic, played with a toy remote-controlled car outside and yelled, "Drunk driver, drunk driver," as the Hoffmans' son celebrated his birthday, posted signs in her yard disparaging the family (one read "Fat people disgust me" and another, "I saw mommy kissing a breathalyzer") and lifted her shirt, exposing her bra to the Hoffmans, who live across the street.
In court Monday, she admitted, again, that she got out of line.
Assistant Ramsey County Attorney Karen Kugler said Christensen has previously "mucked around" with the facts.
"Do you think you're guilty of violating your restraining order?" Tilsen said, stepping in to bring Christensen in line.
"Yes, I'm guilty," Christensen said.