Michele Kelm-Helgen admits that becoming the boss of the public board overseeing construction of one of the biggest taxpayer-funded projects in state history was never high on her radar.
But 24 hours after she got the job, the 57-year-old aide to Gov. Mark Dayton said she is ready to get down to business.
"We're there to do the work," Kelm-Helgen said Friday, a day after Dayton appointed her chairwoman of the newly created Minnesota Sports Facility Authority, which will oversee development of the nearly $1 billion downtown Minneapolis stadium for the Vikings. "I'm just so honored the governor had a trust in me to do it."
Those familiar with Kelm-Helgen's work say she is a natural fit for the high-stakes, big-ego stadium project, where her intelligence, ability to stay cool and willingness to maintain a low profile will serve the project well.
"I do suspect that in a testosterone world like the NFL that is littered with billionaire owners, that there may be the temptation to underestimate her," said David Jennings, a former Republican speaker of the House who worked with Kelm-Helgen when she served on the Eastern Carver County school board. "They'll rue the day. In the final outcome, she's not intimidated by any of those things. She will stay focused on the mission."
"Dayton needs somebody he can really depend on, somebody he thinks is strong and someone he thinks has the right values," said Kelm-Helgen's former boss, former state Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller, DFL-Minneapolis. "When you think of it that way, Michele is an excellent choice."
Political genes
Kelm-Helgen began honing her political skills while growing up in Montgomery, Minn., where she was raised in a family "where government and service was something we talked about."