The word still carries the weight it had, the offensive and accusing weight it was meant to carry in those days of division and rage. Michael Bortin flinched when he heard it spoken again by his sister-in-law.
The 25-year-old film clip shows a defiant Kathleen Soliah standing at a microphone at the University of California, Berkeley. Her head is high, her jaw set, her voice strong.
She had organized this rally in Ho Chi Minh Park, named during the heyday of the antiwar movement for the leader of North Vietnam. The turnout was sparse, but Soliah spoke as if to the world.
It was June 2, 1974, two weeks after an army of police had decimated a squad of self-styled urban guerrillas who called themselves an army: the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). One of the six SLA members who died in the nationally televised shootout in Los Angeles on May 17 was Angela Atwood, guerrilla name Gelina. She and Kathy had worked together as waitresses and actresses. They were best friends.
The six were "viciously attacked and murdered by 500 pigs in L.A. while the whole nation watched," Kathy shouted. "Well, I believe that Gelina and her comrades fought until the last minutes, and though I would like to have her with me here right now, I know that she lived happy and she died happy. And in that sense, I'm so very proud of her.
"SLA soldiers - I know it is not necessary to say. But keep on fighting. I'm with you and we are with you!"
Bortin, whose own involvement with the SLA cost him seven years as a fugitive and time in prison, is married to Soliah's younger sister Josephine. They live in Portland, Ore., and watched the brief film of Kathy's Ho Chi Minh Park speech on a TV news program last week.