To be a writer is to be a reader, and I consume a great variety of content in a given week — from colleagues at the Star Tribune, from other sports writers and sports blogs as well as non-sports content (even books!).
But there might not be one piece of content I read more consistently than the transcripts of Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer's news conferences. There are a handful every week; some of the pressers I see in person as well, but I always go back and read the transcript regardless. Part of it is for the knowledge gained. But part of it is to read Zimmer's personality and style.
On Tuesday, in his season-ending session with the media, Zimmer said a great many things that were fascinating. A classic exchange:
Q: Do you expect the coaching staff to remain the same?
A: I don't.
Q: Anybody that you can say now that you think will be missing?
A: Yes. I've not renewed the offensive line coach's contract.
Q: Is Dan Campbell a possibility to replace Jeff Davidson?