Q. Think his feeling toward that or his feeling towards you influence Glen's decision?
A. I doubt it. You'd have to ask Glen, but I doubt it. And my feelings toward Kevin, frankly, I really like him. And we've had some really productive conversation about the steps he needs to take to win back the respect and admiration of his teammates and coaches. It's almost ridiculous how much attention to paid to my relationship with him. In terms of import, it has no bearing at end of the day whether he'll be happy here and whether organization will be happy with him. It's much more important for him to forge really meaningful relationships with his teammates and coaches.
Q. But if he doesn't have respect for the guy who runs the organization, that's important isn't it?
A. If you want to say it's important, then you have to put it in context. If the person won't let him have what he wants to have every time, you can make a counter-argument that that's actually probably a healthy situation, too, that you don't kind of cave to every desire. Much too much has been focused on me. Remember there's an owner involved who ultimately has to say yeah or nay. That's the final say. But no, I don't think when Kevin makes his decision to stay here – and I hope and trust he will – that his relationship with a front-office person will be on his list of the top 20 things for him. I think his relationship with his teammates, his coaches, is the team winning, the city, the facilities, the outlook for the future, the money comparable to what he could get, there's so many other things that will be much more important in that analysis. Otherwise, you're suggesting he's irrational and he's not irrational.
Q. Why did you say he needs to win back the respect of his teammates?
A. I think there's some work for him to be done in terms of, he didn't play very much this year, right? And I think there's a void there because of that. Many of those guys really fought their way back from injury, sometimes multiple injuries. He had two broken hands. He came back once, didn't play well, broke his hand again and then decided to have his knee done at the end of the year when the pain was such. I think he has some work to in the locker room and I believe he will. I certainly don't want that to come across negatively. I believe he will and I believe he's on the right path.