Why is Gov. Mark Dayton's proposal to jack up income taxes on "the rich" -- individuals earning more than $85,000 in taxable income and couples earning more than $150,000 -- going over like a lead balloon?
At first glance, you'd expect a more enthusiastic reception.
After all, Dayton's plan to boost the top marginal rate to 10.95 percent on the top 5.5 percent of Minnesota's earners promises to be painless for the other 94.5 percent -- the vast majority of Minnesotans.
And it has the added benefit of giving the rest of us a chance to take those "rich folks" down a notch.
Yet Dayton can't find a Republican to touch his plan, and many Democratic legislators seem to be keeping their distance as well.
What gives?
Are Minnesotans down on Dayton's plan because they're convinced that having one of the nation's highest marginal income tax rates will be a "job-killer" for our state?